Service Redesign


The Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) of Global Affairs Canada is in the process of redesigning how serves its current and prospective clients.

The TCS was mandated by the Government of Canada to undertake a significant digital transformation to modernize its client experience, digital tools, and online presence – which would all have major impacts throughout the organization.

The TCS wanted to better understand the needs of their clients as well as the options on how to support them better online.

Services Provided:

The specific research activities used by Jumping Elephants during this project included:

  1. Secondary research to understand the research that had already been completed and to develop a clear picture of the context, trade ecosystem, and key drivers

  2. Persona and journey map design

  3. A facilitated workshop with key trade partners at the municipal, provincial, and federal levels to validate the findings and conclusions generated during the secondary research

  4. A facilitated workshop with selected Trade Commissioners to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the services delivered through the Canadian Technology Accelerator program

  5. A comparative analysis that sought to understand what other similar organizations were doing to support their international trade audience

  6. A heuristics analysis of the TCS website to assess the overall strengths and weaknesses and to clarify what digital services were being offered

  7. Usability testing of the TCS website to evaluate the key usability issues related to the digital services offered by the TCS

  8. Over 50 one-on-one interviews with Canadian businesses, 47 interviews with Trade Commissioners, and 15 interviews with key trade and economic development partners to dig into the needs, challenges, key problems, and service opportunities of organizations doing business abroad

  9. Once the research phase of the project was completed, Jumping Elephants began working with the TCS to develop an approach to the website redesign and service design phase. The approach was designed to engage customers, stakeholders, partners, and the client in an exercise to understand and then prioritize the problems that Jumping Elephants would then set out to solve

  10. Usability testing the Trade Commissioner Service website

  11. Conducting card sorting exercises with internal and external stakeholders


Jumping Elephants provided actionable recommendations on improvements to the website and the service delivery model based on the service design work completed

By conducting extensive (in-person and remote) consultations with both the service delivery staff and clients of the TCS, Jumping Elephants was able to provide the TCS with a clear evidence-derived perspective of their client’s real needs.